Saturday, January 3, 2009

LEBSAB 2008 Wrap-Up: The Best of 2008

We're now a week into January and the post-Christmas malaise is starting to wear off of everyone. This was particularly exciting to me because I thought it meant that I don't have to wear any more ridiculous outfits that make me look like a complete fool. Boy, was I wrong (see above).

Anyway, I know I promised you top ten lists, but the truth is that I find top ten lists tiresome. And I don't owe you anything. Still, I do feel compelled to educate you all on what is good entertainment considering that most of you probably have hard time deciding which movie was better: Eagle Eye or National Treasure 2 (the answer is neither - they both suck equally).

Stuff I saw in 2008 that I liked and you should see too.

If you take no other recommendation I make here today seriously, at least do me a favor and watch The Wire. All five seasons. From beginning to end. It is simply the best thing ever aired on television ever. Better than the moon landing even. I know what you're likely thinking -- and yes, it is better than Friends. Wait, let me put this in a language you Friends fans will understand. It is SO better than Friends. Now just imagine Chandler saying that and I'm sure you'll understand.

I also managed to catch a great Swedish vampire movie called Let The Right One In. It should be out on DVD soon and I recommend you give it a chance. Tomas Alfredson gets wonderfully understated performances from his actors and I think this is a legitimate contender for Best Foreign Language Film of the Year. But I'm sure it won't get a nomination because the Oscar Committee likes to award movies that deal with incredibly boring subjects like knitting or Victorian England.

Last, you should rent Death Race. It might not be the best movie ever made, but it has Jason Statham beating the crap out of people and also manages to get Joan Allen to utter some very un-Joan-Allen-like lines.

The Best Youtube Video of the Year

Stuff I Read in 2008 that I liked and you should read too

When you're a baby, you get lots of books. Books of all kinds. Pop-up books. Picture books. Coloring books. This is all fine. But lately, I've really been into Southern fiction. Cormac McCarthy, Barry Hannah, William Gay and other writers of their ilk. I've already sung Cormac McCarthy's praises on this blog, so I'm going to recommend something a bit different: I Hate to See That Evening Sun Go Down. William Gay wrote this book of short stories and it is really good. I know Oprah is not recommending it and that probably decreases the chance you'll ever go pick this book up by at least 80%, but I'm going to keep recommending it until someone takes me seriously.

I'm also a really, really big fan of any book with pictures of doggies in them. Their tails crack me up!

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