Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You are all on notice

First off, I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the many gifts you have given me. Life would have been really tough without your generosity - I wouldn't have a crib, I wouldn't have bedroom furniture, I wouldn't have clothes, I wouldn't have diapers, I wouldn't have a swing, and I wouldn't have a stroller. The list goes on. So thank you, everyone.


I received a package in the mail today. It was from my Aunt Mary Beth and Uncle Don, and my cousins Lauren and Michael. Presents are pretty old hat by now, but I could tell that this was something special. So I screamed until my dad opened it.

What did they send me, you ask? Well, see for yourself:

That's right. They sent me a dinosaur! A GIANT FREAKING DINOSAUR!!! I'm trying to decide on a name as we speak. Right now, it's a toss-up between Rageclaw, Beastgore, and Bailey II. Regardless of my dinosaur's name, I am sure we will enjoy many an evening trampling unsuspecting toddlers and burning down their jungle gyms. I applaud the creativity displayed by Uncle Don and Aunt Mary Beth and I hope that you all take note. If you view gift-giving as contest like I do, Uncle Don and Aunt Mary Beth hold an enormous lead on the rest of you. But it's nothing you can't make up come Christmas time.

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